The goal of the membership team and of councils is to increase membership in our Order. Many ask why growth in the order is so critical and why such emphasis is place on increasing membership. The answer is simple. Without growth our programs fail to have new ideas and become stagnant. The various charitable, church, community, and family programs are what the Knights of Columbus are known for and those programs require new members.
Here in Ohio and across the country, our order continues to grow. But we need to extend the benefits of membership to all Catholic Men. The insurance benefits alone are a reason that Knights of Columbus exist. But more to the point imagine if even half of the men in your local parish were Knights, think of the good charitable works that can be accomplished!
Today, the Order has grown to over 2 Million members, more than 55,000 here in Ohio. Our resources are utilized to support countless causes, programs, and parishes all over the world and most importantly in our local communities. And through continued growth, we not only preserve the goal of our founder, Father McGivney, we seize the opportunity to help parishes themselves prosper through the five key areas of service – faith, community, family, and fellowship. Because of his vision and the hard-work of dedicated Knights, today the Knights of Columbus is a well-respected service organization of more than 400 local councils here in the Buckeye State. Councils that help their community and their parishes, flourish.
Since 1882, membership in the Knights of Columbus has been open to men 18 years of age or older who are “practical” (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. Since that time, the Knights of Columbus has understood “practical catholic” to mean a Catholic who accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.
See our Recruiting Tips for more information!
Learn more about how the Knights of Columbus Point the World to Jesus Christ!
Enjoy this pamphlet: Prayer Time: A Collection of Catholic Prayers
State Growth Team
Greg Singlar, State E-Membership Coordinator
Michael Freil, Membership Retention Coordinator
Robert Hernandez, Hispanic Council Coordinator
Diocesan Growth Directors
Vic Lauterbach, Cincinnati North
Mark Kosobud, Cincinnati South
Michael Incorvati, Cleveland
Eric Yang, Columbus
Erol J. Hosdil, Steubenville
Willi Meyer, Toledo
Dom Capezzuto, Youngstown
Bulletin Announcements
Below is a running history of the bulleting announcements. Please feel free to copy, paste, and edit these announcements to be used for your church bulletin or council newsletters. If you have any ideas for new announcements, please feel free to contact Greg Singlar.
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic Fraternal Organization. Any male age 18 and over can join our great fraternal organization. All programs are done with the whole family. So sign up online and join us today at For more details contact Grand Knight (Insert Name Here) at (Insert Phone # Here).
Have you always been moved by the passion of Our Lord & Savior? Join the Knights of Columbus today to continue to grow your Catholic Faith and be worthy of the world He died to save! For more information visit: and click on joinus. Or, contact (Grand Knight name, email, and phone) for more details.
Did you know that the Knights of Columbus has a great program series called Into The Breach? This program helps Catholic men and families lead lives of faith and virtue in today’s world. Want to learn more? Talk to a Knight today about the program and join then our great fraternal, family based organization! Go to and click on Join Us! For more information, contact Grand Knight (Name, phone number).
October is the month of Our Most Holy Rosary. The Knights of Columbus has a Rosary Program that encourages devotion to Mary, the patroness of our Order, and emphasizes the importance of prayer in community and as a family. Want to learn more? Go to and click on Join Us! For more information, please contact Grand Knight (name and phone number).
November is a month to be thankful for everything that we have in our lives. The Knights of Columbus can provide you a lifelong brotherhood and friendship that you will forever be thankful for! Want to become a part of that? Join us today by going to and click on Join Us. For more information, contact Grand Knight (name here, email, and phone).
The Christmas Season is here. The Knights of Columbus do many charitable contributions during the Christmas season, including our Keep Christ in Christmas kids’ poster contest, Coats for Kids, and Food for Families programs. Want to become a part of that? Go to and click on “Join Us”. For more information, please contact Grand Knight (Name, Phone, Email here)
What does being Pro Life mean to you? As Catholics, we believe that being Pro Life is praying for an end to abortion. Even with the recent law passed in Ohio, the Knights of Columbus will continue to work together in prayer and solidarity to keep the Pro Life movement alive. Want to be a part of that? Go to and click on Join Us. For more information contact Grand Knight (name, phone, email here).
Father Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus to protect the families of the Catholic Church. He had a vision to establish our organization of local councils whose members sought to strengthen their faith, to serve the needs of others, and to protect their families through our insurance program. Want to be a part of that and become an insurance member? Go to and click on Join Us. For more information contact Grand Knight (name, phone, email here).
By becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus and giving just 24 hours a year, a man can be a better Catholic, father, and husband and make a difference in the Church and his community. It’s not a lot of time, but it is time well spent. It’s rewarding. It’s life changing. Want to join us on our journey? Go to and click on Join Us. For more information contact Grand Knight (name, phone, email here).
What does charity mean to you? Does this mean going to volunteer your time for a local organization? Does this mean volunteering your time and talents to your local Catholic Church? Does it mean supporting the local veterans who gave their lives to our country? Or does it mean all of that and more? The Knights of Columbus can help you with continuing to fulfill that journey. Want to be a part of that? Go to and click on Join Us. For more information contact Grand Knight (name, phone, email here).
Unity has many meanings to it. Members of the Knights of Columbus all know that with unity we can accomplish far more than any of us could individually. So, we stick together and we support one another. Want to be a part of that? Go to and click on Join Us. For more information contact Grand Knight (name, phone, email here).
Fraternity is the third principal of the order of the Knights of Columbus. United by Baptism and the Eucharist, we stand ready as brothers to bear one another’s burdens. Where there is a spiritual or material need, we assist one another by prayer, counsel and practical support. With that, our Lord calls us to live in fraternal communion, and to encourage one another. Want to learn more and be a part of that? Go to and click on Join Us. For more information contact Grand Knight (name, phone, email here).
Summer (July/August)
The Knights of Columbus are patriotic citizens that are proud of our devotion to God and country, and believe in standing up for both. Whether it’s in public or private, the Knights remind the world that Catholics support their nations and are amongst the greatest citizens. Want to learn more and be a part of that? Go to and click on Join Us. For more information contact Grand Knight (name, phone, email here).